Convicted killer Anthony Doyle was executed by the state of Texas tonight for a robbery/murder that took place in 2003. Doyle had ordered two dozen doughnuts and two dozen breakfast tacos from a take-out service, then beat the delivery woman to death with a baseball bat when she brought the order to his home. Afterward, the killer stole the victim's car, phone, and credit cards. Doyle dumped the body and cleaned up the crime scene--including trying to disguise the blood stains with barbecue sauce--but he was quickly arrested and given the death penalty at his trial.
Because Texas no longer allows special last meal orders, Doyle was given the same food as others in his unit. For his last meal, Doyle had a chicken patty, mashed potatoes with country gravy, navy beans, mixed vegetables, sliced bread, and he had a choice of tea, punch, or water to drink.
Most people would feel a little sad on the day of their execution. Moody, morose, or perhaps downright depressed. But not Jeffrey Ferguson, executed today by the state of Missouri. Ferguson, who earned his death penalty by raping and killing a teenager in 1989, was all smiles as he was strapped to the lethal injection table. The killer stuck out his tongue and made funny faces at his relatives, then said, "At this point in my life, I believe that I am the best man I've ever been."
Talk about not setting the bar very high.
For his last meal, Ferguson dined on barbecued ribs, French fries, and apple pie.
The old pirate saying claims "Dead men tell no tales," but they do apparently EAT tails. That was the case, anyway, with Robert Henry, who was executed by the state of Florida yesterday. For his final meal, Henry ordered oxtail, red beans and rice, pecan pie, ice cream, and orange juice.
Henry was convicted of beating two women with a hammer than setting them on fire during the course of a robbery. In his final statement, Henry had harsh words for the death penalty, saying it was unfair to kill those who have killed others.
Aspiring musician Ray Jasper wasn't much of a rap star, but he did build up quite a rap sheet. Jasper was executed by the state of Texas tonight for his part in the murder of a recording studio owner back in 1998. Jasper, who committed the crime along with two other men, claimed that he only slit the victim's throat and that the 25 stab wounds inflicted by the other two men are what ultimately caused the victim's demise.
Because Texas no longer allows special last meals, Jasper was served the same food as the rest of his unit. For his last meal, Jasper had baked chicken, roasted potatoes, a vegetable blend, navy beans, and sliced bread. He was given a choice of tea, punch, or water to drink.