Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Pondering the Future Contents of Casey Anthony's Stomach

With the prosecution about to rest in the Casey Anthony trial, I find myself wondering what Ms. Anthony might order for her last meal a few years down the road---assuming she's found guilty and given the death penalty, of course.  Ms. Anthony is fortunate to be sentenced in Florida, where convicted men and women are allowed a $40 spending limit on their last meal (other states are far less generous).  She may order food from a local restaurant, or the prison chef can buy ingredients from the grocery store then cook her meal in the prison kitchen.  Florida prison chefs are renowned for both their culinary skill and their attention to detail, so I'm certain the quality of Casey's last meal will be excellent.  Considering her determination to live the Bella Vita---"beautiful life"---Casey might choose a succulent lobster tail, or a juicy steak, or both.  She can request fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, and a tasty dessert.  Or will the notorious party girl choose something like chicken wings, French fries, and nachos---the type of pub-grub one would find at the local bar on the evening of a Hot Body competition?  Probably not.  I'm guessing Ms. Anthony will be too concerned about preserving her washboard stomach, even during her final moments.  Maybe she should slap a piece of duct tape over her own mouth and not eat anything at all...


  1. Oh, you have not figured out what she'd order? I'm guessing Pizza. She loves it so much, she carefully saved the last batch she had, as leftovers, for so long in the trunk of her car, that it decomposed and caused a whole lot of ruckus. So I'm guessing she'll be wanting a fresher slice than the "pizza" she left behind in her car. Then again, maybe she should just be served up pizza without even being asked.
