Thursday, April 25, 2013

What did Cobb Gobble?

Ever since Texas did away with special last meals in 2011---instead serving the condemned man or woman the same food as everyone else in their unit---the last meal process has become something of a guessing game, like spinning the wheel of fortune to see what delicacy from the prison cafeteria's standard menu will come up. Such was the case today when Richard Cobb was executed for his part in an abduction/robbery/rape/murder that took place in 2002.

For those who like to wager, chicken is always a safe bet. From chicken spaghetti to chicken-fried steak, Texas is fond of feeding its prisoners poultry. Cobb's accomplice Beunka Adams, who was executed nearly one year ago to the day, was served chicken patties for his final meal.

Because of his name, I was hoping that Cobb's last meal would be gastronomically ironic; maybe a Cobb salad, or corn on the cob, or at least some nice cobbler for desert. Instead, he received the same chicken patties as his accomplice! Richard Cobb's full last meal was chicken patties, mashed potatoes, carrots, pinto beans, and sliced bread, with punch, tea, and water to drink.

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